Keratin treatment is a process used to make hair smooth, shiny, and straight. Keratin is a protein naturally found in hair, and during this treatment, keratin is applied to the hair as a supplement. The keratin penetrates the hair strands, making the hair healthier, stronger, and more vibrant. It also reduces frizz and makes hair easier to style.
This treatment is often preferred to repair dry, damaged, or worn-out hair. Depending on the hair’s texture, the process can take 2-4 hours, and its effect can last between 2-6 months. However, post-treatment hair care is important, and using sulfate-free shampoos is particularly recommended.
While keratin treatments do straighten the hair, they are not permanent straightening methods. Over time, waves or curls may return depending on the hair’s natural texture. Also, due to the chemical content of the treatment, it’s not recommended to apply it too frequently, as excessive chemical exposure can damage the hair.
There are at-home keratin treatment products available, but it is generally safer and more effective to have the treatment done by a professional hairstylist.